Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Stalking down potential blog-materials with our heartbreaking enthusiasm and utter inexperience with a professional camera, this illusionary idea of people actually seeking the attention of our keen eyes came to us. It was perfect relief. 
As apparent, this woman is absolutely enjoying her picture being taken. 


Monday, May 28, 2012


Hitting festival after festival like hoes crushing weddings.
Almost gave way to multiple mishaps, the weather condition and mutual constipation. But still made it, with the usual expression of disgust on Deveci's face and the stomache Icelliler kept faking throughout the ride. 
As for the gigs themselves, we completely disregarded the opening bands, so we have no feedback for you hipsters. Caravan Palace had us swing in the optimum spatial conditions, got a bitter taste of the ongoing Eurovision with Oi Va Voi -checked on Google, and by the time Parov had taken the stage, all my nightouters had invaded the remaining area with their pungent body odor. 
No matter how amazing a show might be, the ultimate win of the day remains the purchase of four drinks for the price of a discounted beer. Yes, she did. 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Soundgarden 2012

Aftermath of the festival: Partial loss of functionality. The final bit of energy left from the performing of vital activities is being spent on this right here.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

There Are Famous People In It

Director; Roman Polanski. That should be enough to redirect your attention from the joys left hand is providing you with. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Chill-Out 2012

With the 5 year marathon of high school and Trippy's exams behind us, time to chill out was much needed. 
We are not exactly the music guru types -yes, the ones clueless about the bands on stage- but despite the rain and the slight discouragement that came with some friends bailing out, we hit the road to the country side. 

If it wasnt for the photographer who magically appeared in our sight, there'd be no visual proof of our presence at the festival.
And since we were the only idiots who had not been so sly to put a digital tourist-size camera in our pocket, we all have to settle for that single shot. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Random Faces, Kite Runner

In midst of our hunt, we encountered this gorgeous man, who put his pursuit to rip tourists off with these kites aside to pose to the camera. A part time model to Mehmet Turgut, he knew his business. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Shoe Me Not

Shoe of the Day

It's Shoe Day. Istanbul Shoe Fair is the event I can devote most of my 24 hours to. I basically grew up running around shoes and still until this very day I can't get my mind around to the amount of shoes possible to gather in one place.My initial intention was to create a post on fairstyle, but turns out such style doesn't even exist. So at the end of the day, my dad was the one who got lucked out- I became his personal assisstant for the entire day- shame on the industry.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Right after the shoot... Exhausted but proud. Many thanks to our photographer Nedi Levi; our models Melike Manav, Deniz Bido and Silvya Benzeray and finally Mehmet Abi who was always there with his truck to support us.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Morning

Photos are taken by Mine.

Saat sabah 6.30. Alarmın sesi kulaklarımızı deliyor. Hazırlanmak için sok dakikalarımız ve hala bize acınası gözlerle bakan işler var. Dışarıda yerler ıslak; takunyalar bu durumdan hiç hoşlanmayacak. 
Saat 10. Saç-makyaj derken altı kız bir arabada İtalyan Konsolosluğu'na... Daha kıyafetler giyilmemiş bile. Bir kamyonun arkasında o işi de hallediyoruz. Amatör çekimimiz sınırları zorlamaya devam ediyor.

It's 6:30. The alarm clock goes off in our ears like a screwdriver. It's our final minutes to prepare and there is still work sitting on the sofa, looking at us with pitiful eyes. The ground is wet outside; the clogs will not like this.

It's 10. 6 girls packed in a car off to the Italian Embassy. All materials which have not even been worn yet are stuffed in the remaining empty space of the vehicle . That business is to be handled in the back of a truck. Our amateur shoot continues to push our boundries. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Night Before

Saat sabaha karşı iki. Uzun,keyifli ve bir o kadar da katılmamızın imkansız olduğu bir doğum gününden Deveci'lere yeni adımımızı atmışız. Çek listemize panik dolu gözlerle bakıyoruz çünkü saat 8.30'da saç-makyaj için Ulus'ta Mine'lerde buluşmaya söz verilmiş. Şarabın keyifli tesiri yavaş yavaş hissedilmekte ama yatak bize biz yatağa bakarak iğne iplik elimizde iş başına... Deveci dikiş makinasının başına çökmüş son rötuşları atarken İçelliler sonunda tam bir hayalkırıklığına dönüşecek sarı şeritleri envai şekilde siyah şifonun üzerine yerleştirmeye çalışıyor. Belki birkaç saat, belki iş gören bir el daha bizi kurtarabilecekken 1 saat daha fazla uykuya hasret sabah oluyor. Gözlerimiz sonraki sekiz saat boyunca güneş gözlüklerimizi çıkarmamıza izin vermeyecek; belli.

It's two in the morning. After a cozy and equally badly timed birthday, arriving home to countless procastinated and finished tasks. Our weary eyes are fixed on the checklist. As predicted, wine has steadily started to take its toll on our functions. As of this point, time consumes our eye-hand coordination in fast forward. Deveci by the sewing machine putting the final dozen touches, İçelliler in the other corner of the room devouring on an already failed project. Dreaming of a couple more hours or an extra hand, up goes the sun. The mirror has no mercy, our eyes will not let go of sunglasses for the next eight hours. 

Friday, April 6, 2012


Recess is over. Our apologies to have deprived you of a post for days we are embarrassed to count.
As it turned out, getting our amateur hands on this project required a whole lot of time and labor investment.

Sunday is the big day. Here's a sneak peak of what's to come.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Milano'ya iki günlük bir kaçamağa kolayca alışılabilir. Tabi ki Bocconi Open Day sadece bir bahane. İnsanların sıcaklığı ve şehrin enerjisi olmalı beni içine çeken.

Henüz sokakta tanıştığım biriyle kısa bir muhabbet, la Rinascente'nin çatısında bir dilim dağ meyveli cheescake, Milano gençliğiyle dolup taşmış bir meydan...

Caddelerde fütursuzca dolaşırken, bir sonraki adımda karşına neyin çıkacağını bilemezsin. Bu tahmin edilemezlik yolun sonunda beni, bir tasarımcı butiğine,  köpeklerini gezdiren çaba harcamasa da güzel görünümlü bir çifte veya sırada bir saat bekleticek kadar lezzetli dondurmalara götürdü.

Sabırsızlıkla yaşamayı beklediğim şehir Milano, bekle beni beş ay kaldı.                

A two-day getaway to Milan could be get used to. Of course the Bocconi Open Day was only an excuse. Must be the warmth of its people and the vibe that I crave.

A quick chat with an instant acquintence, a slice of wild berry cheesecake at the rooftop of  La Rinascente, the overpacked city square filled with the Milanese youth ....

You never know what you're going to come across wandering around the streets blindfolded. It is the unpredictability of this city that may take you to a designer boutique just around the corner of a desolated path. It might be a couple looking effortless yet pulled together walking dogs or a galeteria worth waiting an hour in line.

The city I long for. Hold tight Milan, it's only 5 months left.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Amcanın kendisi, gözden uzak dükkanı veya çıkmadan uzattığı kahveli bonbon,
Hepsi birbirinden şeker.
Bu ne diyor olabilirsiniz; yeni bir konsepte hazır olun.

The old man himself, his isolated fabric shop or the bonbon he offered right before leaving,
All sweet.
You might be asking what this is all about; get ready for a new concept.


Monday, March 12, 2012

Marni for H&M

Geçen haftayı geride bırakırken, son yedi günün süphesiz öne çıkan etkinliği Marni for H&M'in satışa sunulmasıydı. Beklenen koleksiyon raflara ulaşır ulaşmaz silinip süpürüldü.
Heyecanla beklenen iş birliği, kübik takılar ve maskülen ayakkabılar dışında bir hayal kırıklığıydı.
Ancak, kalitesiz kumaşlar bile müşterilerin ürünlere saldırmasına engel olmadı. Ortalama bir banyo büyüklüğünde bir alana yayılmış parçalar, daha dördüncü grup içeri girmeden talan edilmişti.
Vahşi bir kadın ordusuna rağmen çalışanlar, müşterilere soğukkanlılıkla yardımcı olmayı ve rafları düzenli tutmayı başarabildiler.
Marni'nin modern çizgisi ulaşılabilirlik uğruna 30 yaş ve üstünü hedefleyen bohem bir havaya bürünmüş, podyumda görmeye alışık olduğumuz sofistike markadan ödün verilmişti. Sonuç olarak, koleksiyonda aradığımızı bulamadık.

Leaving the past seven days behind, it is safe to say that the event highlighting the week was the release of Marni for H&M. The sought after collection disappeared from the shelves as soon as it hit them.
Except for the cubic jewelry and masculine shoes, the collaboration we all had been lusting after was a disappointment in terms of design and quality.
However, the cheap fabrics did not seem to hold the consumers back. The area the size of an average bathroom had already turned into a messfest by the time the fourth group could get in. Against an army of women, the employees still managed to assist and tidy the shelves and racks up.
The modern vision of Marni had blended in with a more accessible bohemian look for the collaboration. Overall, the Marni we are used to seeing on the runway targeting the plus 30 crowd was not what we expected.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Tacını geri talep eden Jil Sander tarafından tahtından olan Raf Simons, Hedi Slimane'nin YSL'ye göz dikmesiyle Dior Homme'da kendine yeni bir monarşi kurarken; YSL'nin eski hükümdarı Stefano Pilati, bir sandalye kapamadığından oyun dışında kaldı.

While the former monarch of YSL got kicked out of the game for not having grabbed a chair, Raf Simons with the tendancy of Hedi Slimane to YSL build an empire on the Dior Homme land, lost his throne to Jil Sander who requested her crown back.